Mar 1, 2023

FluoSphera secures $1 million pre-seed investment

FluoSphera secures $1 million pre-seed investment

FluoSphera secures $1 million pre-seed investment

FluoSphera develops a unique technology platform with the goal to predict the effects of drug candidates much better by mimicking the communications between multiple human organs. The start-up has completed a world-class acceleration program in New York and attracted further renowned investors.

FluoSphera’s liquid microphysiological systems (MPS) recapitulate the complex organization of the human body in vitro by mimicking the communications between multiple human organs. The goal is to predict the effects of drug candidates much better, even before they reach the first patient, to stop missing the most promising drugs. With this technology, FluoSphera aims to increase the success rate in clinical trials while proposing new alternatives to animal experimentation.

The Geneva-based company has now secured a pre-seed investment round of $1 million. The US accelerator IndieBio New York which is part of SOSV, Swiss-based Mountain Labs, and EFI Lake Geneva Ventures participated in this round along with private business angels. Gregory Segala, CEO and co-founder of FluoSphera SA: “We express our deep gratitude to our investors who believe in the potential of our powerful in vitro technology to provide the best solutions for drug discovery. This investment allows FluoSphera to increase its R&D capacity to accelerate the generation of high-quality predictive data to discover the most promising candidate drugs.”

In 2023, FluoSphera will develop its unique technology platform to provide the pharma industry with unprecedented solutions to improve drug discovery. Clelia Bourgoint, Vice President of Operations and co-founder of FluoSphera SA: “This is an incredible support for FluoSphera to implement the ambitious scientific development plan we prepared with our Board and our scientific advisors. We are eager to show second-to-none scientific data that we already started to generate thanks to the support provided by our investors and the acceleration from the program IndieBio New York.”

Indeed, in October 2022, FluoSphera was selected in the fifth cohort of the world’s biggest biotech accelerator, IndieBio New York. The US accelerator selected 10 startups worldwide in a very intense 4-month acceleration program which culminated in February 2023 with a Demo Day gathering hundreds of investors. Gregory Segala said: “Thanks to the amazing network of IndieBio, we discussed our development plans with outstanding mentors from the pharma industry. They helped us to refine our business and scientific strategy to position FluoSphera as a strong competitive provider of innovative solutions for drug discovery. IndieBio also tremendously increased the visibility of FluoSphera in US where we could expand our network of partners, customers, and potential future investors.”

(Press release / SK)
Picture: FluoSphera’s co-founders, Dr. Gregory Segala and Dr. Clelia Bourgoint, in the labs of IndieBio New York for the IBNY5 Demo Day. (FluoSphera)

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